Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Is there a Program for this???

I have a problem. Ive had this problem my entire life but Ive never actually acknowledged it and it wreaks havoc with my life.

I don't know how to ask for help. I don't know how to say...omg I really screwed that up..can you help me? Or I really have no idea what I'm doing will help me please?? Then.....

the problem...which was once just dust underneath the metaphorical carpet...turns into a giant blood sucking monster...and I have no choice...but to ask for help because You Really Can't Hide A Giant Blood Sucking Monster!

My name is Jennifer and I am chronically introverted and falsley proud ...or well..something is wrong with me...

I can't do that anymore. I have to think. I have to know when Im defeated and seek advice. I have to be like everyone else that is healthy and normal (who is that?) and laugh at my short falls...

Not try to hide them...I's not like they are hidden anyway...

Not from anyone else...just from me...because I don't know how to be open and honest with myself...

ok. so from this day on. No More Of That.

I don't want to be like that anymore.


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