Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Exhaust Asks Five Questions

felicezombie explains: How it works is like this: Anyone who wants to join in can leave a note for me or sign my guestbook asking that I come up with five questions that I'd like to ask them. They then post the answers to those five questions in their diary and in my guestbook, linking back to me. They also offer to do the same for their readers, so that it has a kind of domino effect. Make sense?

Five questions courtesy of lovely and beautiful you,/P>

1) You can be one alive person for one week. Who is it?I'd want to be that woman that is walking around her city at 5 am bringing needles to drug addicts and taking them to the doctor, bringing food to homeless people,and medicine to her elderly neighbors. She has a band that holds rent parties and she is a fabulous piano player. She is one pays her much attention...but she is sound. she is peaceful...and she is thankful.

2) Ten people from Diaryland have been given free tickets to visit you. Who's going? I Love Everyone ok now..with that no particular order...1.exhaust 2.syncope 3. idiot-milk 4. jezolina 5. girlsdontcry 7.supercilious 8.floodtide 9. seastreet 10.the29th 11. refusal12.januaryfiend 13.c11h17n2o2na


3) You have been granted the ability to tell people off without hurting their feelings. Who do you tell off and what do you say? Oh man...I can't do this one yet...

4) Describe the perfect room. the walls are painted ginger snap (it is a sort of mossy green..light) lots of on every wall..large wide long windows. There is a smooth wooden floor and art deco couches and chairs are formed into three seating areas..antique tables serve to hold and white photographs as well as candles..and lamps..hand crafted wooden lamps that match the tables. Books...Bookshelves,like the windows are on every single wall...they are beneath the windows..over the fire place is the tallest shelving area...straight up to the high ceiling. Paintings made by my friends cover the areas sans windows and bookshelves...a piano is just by the open balcony doors...the ocean is heard in the mountains loom their dark glory at its behest. Herbs grow on the balcony. Wild flowers swish from side to side in their simple glass vase as they sit upon that old armoire in the corner which holds my computer. :)

5) Everyone loves you. Do you know that? I don't know that...But I know that You, do and that means very very much

Love and Peace to all

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