Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

A Confession and other religious writings

Work gets more odd everyday. everyday...I can add someone to the list of The Recently Resigned...There is so much apparent corruption I can't even begin to detail the misgivings I have. I feel so powerless and insecure.

It happens.

I totally broke covenant with my diet and bank account today.

Breakfast: tall soymilk carmel machiatto with cinnamon scone

Lunch: 32 oz Iced Tea and french fries

Im-Starving-Now-Pre-Dinner: 2 Twinkies.


Money Im sure was well spent in the end

1. Candide---finally my Own copy!

2. Confession by Leo Tolstoy

So If Im in here anytime soon bitching about my ass and the fact that Im not wealthy...there you have it....pardon me whilst I flog myself.


Cool Things I heard Today:

1. Gay.Episcopalian.Bishop. :)

2. Minister in Norfolk,Va raises money to help people pay off thier debts and he helps provide free financial counseling too....Can You Imagine Such An Awesome Ministry???? I like to think of Ministry sometimes outside of the usual sense...everyone..has a unique gift to give...think about your d-land faves...each person touches one singular way. Anyway. I wish I was this guy...helping people get free in such a Fantastic Way. I want to build something. I don't know what I am trying to achieve.

I have my tv on...Prophecy is playing...such a dark contrast to the golden setting sun filling my room...

well I guess that's it for now...

hope give me away


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