Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

waiting on someday to land

The power went out just as my dog's bath was finished...he got freaked out when I got freaked know..that omg gasp that is spurned on by sudden pitch blackness. I found myself singing "in a single engine sesna...well you say we'll never make it there..." to soothe him...

I just read exhaust(who Im sure is Lovely and Amazingly Beautiful with Blonde Hair or no hair) ...notice the title of her entry....Tori again. If Ever there was a woman..that seemed to reach...the multitiude of diverse and precious women..its ms amos.

"well I know it's just a spring Ice...but I don't much like the look of it..."

Im just waiting for somewhere waiting for somewhere to land

how many times can I post tonight hmmmm?? :)


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