Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

shape shifters in the house

I write to my Senators (Warner [d] and Allen [r]) almost everyday of the week about something. I visit their websites to see what it is they are proposing and voting for. What really infuriates me is how One Very Important Vote that they cast is somehow shoved to the side on their websites. Maybe they think Virginian's don't care about Gay Rights. Or maybe they are just bigots and the last thing they wanted to do was vote against something as Horrible as a law forbidding gay marriage and veteran's benefits (to the spouse). Yeah. they got away with it.

They had my head turned away and my fist shaking at the Shrub and at the insipid Anti-Smoking Treaty (oh pleeeze) and the Insult of a Tax Cut. I feel dooped.

If I had known sooner Id've made a big fuss. As it stands...all I can do is inundate their mail boxes and email boxes with "shock and dismay" that's so much better than shock and awe.

this is a gem of a find,

thanks mightily to this sweet person, for bringing it up and for saving the world.


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