Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

just to get you caught up....

Seven Days. it seems that is my work week now. Seven Days. with day off in between. and they wonder why Im so grumpy. It isn't worth all of this. I was supposed to have two days off in a row but No. nope. sigh. I wouldn't mind this if I was a writer. Or a doctor. or a brilliantly creative maven. but. Im not getting paid to be any of that...and no one wants to pay me to sit here and journal so..I guess for now...I'll work my fool ass off at this petty job...

Im exhausted. it is only 8pm and Im wiped out. all the windows are open..and the birds are winding down their version of the cherry orchard (you know birds chirp to communicate territory..). I have had chips and salsa for dinner because it was easy. the eggplant is still in the fridge and I just don't have the patience to cook. I've been listening to the polyphonic spree every morning..I can't help but laugh...I just picture sweet stoner children blowing bubbles of joy to these tunes. the song soldier really cool...well all of it is cool..just very...trippy.

I don't think that this entry could get any worse. I think Im just going to embrace my bed...

Love and Peace

8:07 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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