Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


rain is pouring down and my step mom's mom is sick. very sick. sars has shown up locally...and now three members of my step mom's family have pneumonia and everyone is in a panic. i still think the seven children that died a month or so ago of pneumonia had sars as well....If it all sounds insane...thats because things like this are. and please indulge my thoughts here for a second...but I do live right down the street from Langley Air Force Base,30 minutes away from the Naval Weapons Station (nukes) and DC is just 3 hours north. If someone wanted to release something deadly would make perfect sense..and Im having a hard time believing that SARS isnt a biological attack of some sort. and Reading Good Omens is not helping....its getting a little too weird. If Ever you had the End of The World pounded into your brain like I did...everything catastrophic makes you take pause....well it does...I should just shut up now.

and Good Omens is hysterical. I dont mean to downplay how absolutely funny it is. I laugh outloud reading this book....there is a part where they are describing various bibles that have errors in where a monk complains about having to transcribe...right in the middle of a bible verse....mad brilliant...

so anyway. please send good thoughts to my step-nanna,her hubby,and my step uncle Jeff....they are all really sick and we are all really scared.

love and peace to all

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