
Carie - 2004-04-20 12:02:00
1. If you could replace your hands with two things, what would they be? 2. Have you already picked out the names of your children? If so, what are they? 3. You life is a Choose Your Own Adventure book, what page does the ending start at?
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Pandionna - 2004-04-20 14:02:36
If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be? What do you like best about yourself? And what would you do for a Klondike bar? ;-)
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oed - 2004-04-20 19:43:17
To what do you accredit your beauty? How well does blue suit you? and, given your name, zeroreverb7, are you able to place stereo speakers perfectly around a house? (this is my true quest in life ...)
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