Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

how do you say?

2006-04-17 was your weekend?

hmmm. no. I don't like that as an opener.

So I drank two martinis and emailed my boss...

uhhhmmm. You so Don't want to hear That story.

I dreamt of flying sea monkeys.

now that's just a lie.

I did however, find out a few minutes ago, that my dad's mom, Grandma G. is dieing....probably by tomorrow...and I feel nothing. shouldn't I be making arrangements to fly to nyc. shouldn't I be incredibly sad?

Im sad for my Pop. But Im not otherwise going to miss Gma. she told me when I was 10 that living with my mother put me on the Wrong Side of the family.

I kind of decided never to speak to her again. Who makes those kinds of decisions when they are 10...and sticks to them? Me. The Ice Queen.

Im much warmer than anyone will ever feels like.

moving on.

I hope her passing is peaceful...and that she is surrounded by people that love her (namely my aunts..whom my grandmother beat senseless every day when they were children)....

My aunt is in seattle...slowly suffering a painful death to pancriatic cancer. My mom got to spend a week with her and Im very glad...My mom is now officially an experienced person..having been presnt when my Gma Evelyn passed away, making peace with her sister before she passes (long story), giving birth to and raising 4 children, and somehow surviving her own mental peril.....she remains a saint and a haunting ghost to me.

love someone...start with you...for her sake or his sake....for your sweet cuddly pet's sake...

love you enough to love a long time.

love and peace


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