Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

fire the epa

Well..since my friend Jason isn't running commentary on the NCaa championships...I guess I will..Duke is winning. Unc lost again. to George Mason. hahahahahahahaha. Life is beautiful. Duke goes up against LSU on the 23rd at 7:10 p.m. be there and bring a beer.

and that's my sports commentary for the day.

oh the weather outside is frightful...

In ten years the damage that is done to the earth via air pollution etc will be irreversible.

the george bush white house has been censoring environmental reports.

No shock there.

33 years ago there was a oil crisis...a gas shortage....and in 33 years our governments have done lessen our petroleum habit.

And Greed is the center of this doom.

And Greed will get you every time.

Please take the time to contact your representatives and demand that they take action.

did you know that if there were to be more carpooling and use of mass transit...we would cut our need for oil by 40%???

That seems quite incredible to me.

my advice to you is to live life.

chris is doing that. he is just living life....being positive and enjoying the moments....

call him don't call him bring him a blanket....

still missing chris ...but my friend Jess told me that some guy was checking out my butt in the grocery store last night...maybe things are looking up.

well NO I didnt talk to him. why would i do that??? the dude was staring at my butt. jeeeez.

keep smilin keep shinin knowing you can always count on sho...

dear mr. b.---took your suggestion and found that the prescription was just right indeed. I thank you.

I'm tired. meeting @ 8 in the morning.

love and peace and hugs and kisses people

take good care of yourselves


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